Saturday, July 21, 2007

Facing fears since 1993

"Tongue-tied and oh so squeamish, you never fell in love"
- Dead! - MCR

A busy week of school is now over. Wee! Monday to Wednesday was our exams.. but I didn't get any trouble. I met some HS juniors (its our school's exam routine, half of the class goes to another classroom, exchanging students, etc.) And a girl named _____

PE class yesterday was f'n tiring! God, from push-ups to sit-ups to running back and forth at the stairs, man we almost passed out.

Now playing.. Burnout Legends (PSP) I think its actually better than dominator (maybe because of the more colorful environment)

Now d'ling.. Bleach episode 52-53..

Gawd my mind is empty for stuff to write.. Dance to the SoD.. Until then,
*insert kon pwint here*

0 people I thank:

