Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I got RPG'd!

BLUE DRAGON! ONE OF THE GREATEST 360 GAMES EVER! This JRPG (Yes, it's Japanese) definitely underrated and underappreciated. The game was designed by the famous Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball anyone? Dragon Quest? Hey, why does all his works involve dragon?!) and the one who made the story made the original Final Fantasy game. I was suddenly craving for an RPG game more than a week ago so I got this game last Sunday (on DataBlitz Shangri-la branch) together with Ninety-Nine Nights (N3) which is a game very similar to Dynasty Warriors but a lot better in story and gameplay. So yeah, I'm definitely addicted to BD.

Somehow, I feel depressed. Because of my friend in school. *coughplasticcough*

I'm busy these days, lol. In short, I won't be updating this blog soon.


0 people I thank:

